Legacy Society
Few of us will change the course of history, write a timeless symphony, or cure a terrible disease, but everyone has an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others.
By supporting APF through planned giving, you can help to assure more fulfilling lives for future generations.

Thank You to our Dedicated Legacy Society Members
IMO William and Mildred
~Gerald & Betsy Archibald
Estate of Harold Augustin*
Jeffrey & Carol Baker
Joan Baleno*
Charles & Barbara Battle
Roy & Nancy Beecher
MJ, Michael & Nanci Bentley
Andrea Bonafiglia
Mary Walsh Boatfield
Margaret D. Burns T.U.A. Trust*
David & Jane Case
Michael & Cheryl Coppola
Estate of Ann M. Cigna*
Amy Cram
Patricia L. Cunningham
Paul & Tina Davidson
Estate of Robert M. Derr*
DeTorio Family Living Trust*
Virginia Elwell
Estate of Richard G. Ensman Jr.*
Elmar & Catherine Frangenberg
Craig & Eileen Gage
Mark & Mary Gearan
The Golisano Foundation
Charles & Donna Graham
Marie G. Graham
Estate of Henrietta Ann Hamilton*
Estate of Muriel Hanselman*
Christopher Harris
Richard and Linda Hawks
The Estate of Michael E. Hawley*
Estate of Helen K. Helphrey*
Estate of Harold J. Hickey*
Estate of Robert F. Horn*
John Horvath*
Estate of Cynthia W. Janes*
Rodney B. Janes Memorial Fund*
Alice & Edward Johnson Foundation
Estate of Frances Arline Kenyon*
Rachel Kielon
Estate of Mary M. Kubanka*
Ann E. Kurz
Estate of Ralph A. Lomio*
Robert C. Maddamma
Estate of Margaret H. McGrath*
Brian & Kelly Meath
~Terry Meath Memorial Fund
Carol C. Miller
Sean & Dawn Ossont
Estate of Nancy J. Perry*
Estate of Arthur B. Plyter*
Estate of Alice E. Ringler*
Natalie A. Ross Revocable Trust*
Estate of Pasqualina D. Schifano*
Estate of Ann M. Schneider*
Estate of Eugene R. Schneider*
Anthony & Gloria Sciolino
Estate of Marjorie Simmons*
Diana Smith
Estate of Hazel C. Smith*
Estate of Virginia C. Smith*
Joseph and Irene Sklany
Charitable Trust
Elsa & Nick Steo
Estate of Virginia P. Thiede*
Estate of Dr. Bernard Tofany*
Estate of Anthony Tuffo*
Estate of Robert G. & Florence E.
Van Duyn*
Estate of Marion M. Wegman*
William & Joyce Weir
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Every Gift Makes A Difference!